'Buck Moon’ is a Mixed-Media piece that uses a collage of original cyanotype prints, hand sewn with a silver outline onto a watercolor background. In front of that, is a linocut print of a buck highlighted with watercolor details.
‘Letting Go’ is a monoprint inspired by the flight pattern of bats, particularly at take-off when they need to drop down in order to gain air under their wings. It was made from a linocut print with watercolor details added.
‘The Watcher’ is a monoprint created from a linocut print of a short-eared owl, highlighted with watercolor. It was inspired by the way an owl’s eyes follow you as you move.
‘Barn Owl’ is an original print collage that includes pieces of my original linocut, gel plate, and monotype prints, embellished with watercolor. The subject of a barn owl itself was inspired by another old friend from a local wildlife rehabilitation center, named Duster.
‘Night Owl’ is a limited edition linocut print inspired by a barred owl named Squam. Squam was a resident I liked to visit often at a local wildlife rehabilitation center. He passed away a few years ago, but will always be remembered.
‘Mousing’ was made from a drypoint print with layers of watercolor added. It shows the hunting activity of a fox. Though the same kind of movement can be seen to a lesser extent in some wild pet cats, when hunting their toy mice.
‘Katydid’ is a monoprint created from a linocut print of a katydid, over a gel plate print of abstract foliage. The katydid is highlighted with watercolors. It was inspired by loud summer nights of katydid songs in the treetops of the Pines, and a visit from one at a local moth viewing night.
‘Contemplating Flight’ is a limited edition linocut print inspired by a red tailed hawk who had just finished a meal on a plate of Fall leaves. Upon noticing it was being watched, it paused for a moment as if deciding whether it should take off. As the observer, I left first.
‘Moonlight’ is a combination of a subtractive monotype technique (where ink is applied to a block and then wiped away to create and image like a dreamy tree), and two linocut blocks. It was inspired by female deer leaving their fawn in a set place while they forage and coming back for them later. This often happens in the wooded areas around me, and at night you can see them become active again in the moonlight.
‘The Cycle’ is a monoprint made from various linocut prints put together in an intentional circular type composition and shaded with watercolor. The cycle starts at the bottom of the image with hope symbolized by the wishing stones, shows growth with the pitcher plant that thrives in the acidic Pinelands soil, then shows life with the bee navigating the dangers of the plant. Finally it shows death with the decaying deer skull, ending the cycle in the bed of pine needles back where it began, supporting the next rotation.
To purchase please visit Medford Arts Center in the gallery or online at: www.medfordarts.com