‘Ripped Out’- Tina’s contribution was a mini relief print on tree-free paper. It was inspired by feelings about tree cutting for property development in the NJ Pine Barrens. The print was part of an interactive element with multiple contributors, assembled by Laura Earle for gallery-goers of the “Environmentally Speaking” exhibit at the Janice Charach Gallery in Bloomfield Hills Michigan.

Tina participated in the Open Press Project international exchange of tiny prints in 2021-22, 2023-24, and 2024-25. The Open Press Project created a cutting edge 3D printed tiny printing press. Using one of these presses, artists around the world create tiny prints (sized 7x7cm) to exchange, and to go on exhibit internationally.

Tina’s Open Press Exchange prints focus on expressionist concepts during the Covid Pandemic.

‘Dread’ (two woodcut red lines with a square background) is meant to acknowledge the feelings of dread one feels when waiting for the lines on a covid test. It has been in four Open Print Exchange exhibitions; showing in Japan, Germany, and The Netherlands. ‘Countenance’ (linocut) portrays a frustrated facial expression in abstract form. It has been in two Open Print Exchange exhibitions; showing in Germany and Australia. Info about 2024-25 coming soon…


Artist Talk with Powell Lane Arts


Click here for the online published collection